- 本文综述了顺酐合成工艺的发展概况及顺酐下游产品的开发与利用,对国内围绕顺酐合成及其衍生物的相关研究课题做了讨论,这些课题对我国有机化工行业的长远发展有着重要的意义。
- In this paper some discussion of relative researchs about maleic anhydride synthesis and it 's ramification are given . These researchs are of important significance for our chemical industry to get out of difficult position and have a long-term development .
- 高选择性膝关节去神经术的应用解剖学研究。
- Applied anatomic study on nerve ramification neurectomy of knee joint .
- 国家水产局的首席科学家stevemurawski说:“我不认为有证据表明会发生大规模改变,如果这已经发生,那么在食物链的顶端将存在巨大的危险。”
- " I don 't think anybody has documented wholesale changes , " said steve murawski , chief scientist for the national marine fisheries service . " If that actually occurs , that has a potentially great ramification for life at the higher end of the food web . "