- 在离开华盛顿的路上,salt从疾驰的卡车上飞身跃下,紧接着,她在纽约制定了一次复仇计划先发制人地制造混乱,用蜘蛛毒、塑胶炸弹、偷来的衣服进行自卫性杀戮。
- Salt leaps from the roofs of moving trucks on her way out of washington and then - once in new york - enacts vengeance , pre-emptive mayhem and self-defensive killing using spider venom , plastic explosives and stolen clothes .
- 另一方面,自奥拉基利(orlakiely)认定“市场上没有什么真正有趣的旅行袋”,认为从佩饰和服装领域转向手提箱是“她品牌的合理而自然的延伸”之时起,就已认真考虑旅行袋快两年了。
- Orla kiely , on the other hand , has taken luggage seriously for almost two years , ever since she decided " there was just no really fun or interesting luggage out there " and that moving from accessories and clothes into suitcases " was a logical and natural extension " to her brand .