- 在印第安纳州,部分地方政客失望至极,于是在最近向立法机构提交了一份法案,要求在学校强制使用草书。
- In indiana , some local politicians are so upset that they are presenting a bill to the legislative body this week to enforce the use of cursive writing in schools .
- 这本书用妙趣的方式去教写草书。
- This book teaches cursive in a cool way .
- 但不管你个人的偏见如何,这件事的真正意义是,草书经历的变化再次提醒我们,现代科技拥有多么巨大的潜力,能够颠覆我们认为理所当然的事情,制造出细微的新形式社会分歧。
- But whatever your own personal bias , the real point is this : what is happening to cursive reminds us , once again , of the potential for modern technology to upend what we took for granted - and create subtle new types of social divisions .