- 他们的锻炼是零星而温和的。
- Exercise was sporadic and mild .
- 她会经常选择行使这一选择权也就不足为奇了。
- Small wonder she often chooses to exercise that option .
- 结果就是,期权的行使价非常低。
- The result was attractively low exercise prices for options .
- 摄影技术已经可以完成很多把戏了。
- Photography can perform many tricks .
- 在他们最喜爱的慈善机构进行魔术表演。
- Perform magic tricks at their favorite charities .
- 本菲卡的表现并不是很差。
- Benfica didn 't perform especially badly .
- 另一种方法是对选举施加影响。
- The other is to wield influence on elections .
- 它到底开始看起来像一个努力行使自己职权的政府。
- At last it is beginning to resemble a government endeavouring to wield power .
- 新的欧元区机构将行使生杀大权,而不必讲究什么民主责任。
- New euro-zone institutions will wield brutal powers without democratic accountability .