- 迈克里维将表明,没有一件缺乏监管的事情会成功。
- Mr mccreevy is to make clear that nothing short of oversight will do .
- 但是,波尔斯的学校白皮书将清楚表明,权利是与责任相称的。
- Balls 's schools white paper will make clear however that with rights come responsibilities .
- 官员们明确表示,他们的首要考虑的是当地居民。
- Officials make clear their priority is established residents .
- 同时那天我还喝了大量的水来清洁我的口腔。
- I also drink plenty of water during the day to cleanse my palate .
- 提到可以作为色拉配料的苜蓿芽,它也能帮助净化体内各系统、清新口气。
- Speaking of salad ingredients , alfalfa sprouts also help cleanse your system and sweeten your breath .
- 水还具有清洁人体内部器官的能力,可以冲洗干净人体内部的杂质和有害毒素。
- Additionally , it has the ability to cleanse your internal organs by washing away impurities and harmful toxins inside your body .
- 消除不可负担的利率补贴。
- Eliminate the unaffordable interest-rate subsidy .
- 消除会引起摔倒的危险。
- Eliminate hazards that may cause falls .
- 但是,假若政府不能消灭人民军,舆论随时可能倒戈。
- But public opinion may sour if the government fails to eliminate the epp .
- 每次静修后,他会为我们讲解《宗门葛藤集》,这是一部公案集。
- After meditation he lectures on the kattoshu , a koan collection .
- “许安饭店”,靠近许安村,从城东路拐进小路,穿过火车涵洞,是一条捷径,此店乃正宗的大食堂型饭店,一张台子要翻数次才能满足广大群众高涨的食欲。
- " Koan hotel " , near the village of koan , from cheng east turn into a lane through the train culverts , is a shortcut , this authentic restaurant is a big dining-type restaurants , a table to bring up several times in order to meet the rising masses loss of appetite .
- 本文试图对这一"学术公案"予以分析。
- This paper focuses on the analysis of this " academic koan " .
- 这个位置被赋予给了蝉,蝉的第一个决定是为他的办公室买一张地毯和一把符合人体工学的椅子。
- The position was given to the cicada , whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office .
- 窗外的知了总是在叫个不停。
- Window called the cicada always stop .
- 传说在很早很早的时候,知了是不会飞的。
- When the morning is very very early , the cicada is will not to fly .