- 第一个收到加缪写于十二月的情书的mi那时候是一名年轻的丹麦画家。
- Mi , who received the first of those december letters , was a young painter of danish extraction .
- 八国集团首脑会议上,联合国秘书长强调必须采取行动的统一论宓。
- At g8 summit , un chief stresses need to act with unity on mi .
- 第二届吴宓学术讨论会论文选集。
- Selected papers from the second wu mi conference .
- 但是卢偶然间发现了一种口腔细菌产生的酶可以破坏生物膜。
- But lu stumbled across an enzyme produced by oral bacteria that can break up biofilms .
- 卢现在是麻省理工学院的助理教授,他开始研究如何才能破坏生物膜。
- Lu , who is now an assistant professor at mit , began researching how to destroy biofilms .
- 当读到这份令人沮丧的信的时候,小陆立刻开始感到恐慌了。
- As she read the disheartening words , ms. lu immediately began to panic .