- 本文以单相漏电保护器为例,阐明其几种错误接线的原因,并针对其不同的错误安装接线方法,提出了具体的改进措施。
- Taking monophasic creepage protector as example , this paper states the causation of its several mistake connections , puts forward specific improvement measurements in allusion to its different mistaken installation methods .
- 爬电距离的间隙和不充分。
- The clearances and creepage distances are not sufficient .
- 电气间隙、爬电距离和固体绝缘。
- Clearances , creepage distances and solid insulation .
- 然后他爬进高高的草丛里面,等待朝圣者男孩跑出屋子到那条长长的泥巴路上。
- Then he would creep away in the tall grass and wait for the pilgrim boy to run out of the house , down the long dirt path .
- 一旦你决定原谅那个以言语伤害你的人,会有些时刻生气愤怒的情绪再次爬上你的心头。
- Once you decided to forgive the person who said the hurtful words , there are moments when the feelings of anger and resentment will try to creep into your mind again .
- 然后她把可怜的小格雷特拖上炉门,那下面火焰正熊熊燃烧,然后说:“从这里爬进去,看看是不是足够热来烘培面包了。”
- Then she dragged poor little grethel up to the oven door , under which the flames were burning fiercely , and said : " creep in there , and see if it is hot enough yet to bake the bread . "
- 人死后还有生命吗?
- Is there life after death ?
- 8年后他们离婚了。
- They divorced after eight years .
- 任命宣布后巴西股市大涨。
- Markets rose after the announcements .
- 根据研究,只会爬的小孩大约有三分之一是过重或者有处于过胖的风险。
- About a third of barely crawling infants are overweight or at risk for being obese , according to the study .
- 许多从商学院毕业的人现在不仅没能改变职业道路,而且还正在爬回到原来的工作岗位和老雇主那去。
- Many people leaving business school now are not only failing to change career , they are crawling back to their old jobs with their old employers .
- 如果你感到疲劳,周身不适和感觉到有一种虫子在你皮肤下到处乱爬,你就很可能得了莫吉隆斯症。
- If you have fatigue , skin lesions , aches and pains and a sensation that insects are crawling around under your skin , you most probably have morgellons disease .