- 不仅外在发展,内在也有一定的深度。就像一棵树一样,在长高的同时,根也深深地扎入地下。
- Let not only his exterior expand , let his interiority also have a depth , just as the trees rise up in the sky but their roots go deep underground .
- 表面上,它还得那只在天空中飞翔的鸟,但是,在深处它已经否则原来那只鸟因该,么有它的天空,哪来它的自由?
- Superficially , yes , it is the alike bird who were flying in the sky ; but deep down it is not the alike bird -- since wite is its sky , wite is its freedom ?
- 我的冒险始于一个充满云朵的地方那些又大又蓬松,粉白色的云在深蓝色天空下格外显眼。
- Toward the beginning of my adventure , I was in a place of clouds . Big , puffy , pink-white ones that showed up sharply against the deep blue-black sky .