- 有螯的或似螯的。
- Having chelae or resembling a chela .
- 剃背是只拥有强壮大螯与致命毒刺的巨蝎。
- Razer tergum is a giant scorpion with strong chela deadly sting .
- 螯甲壳动物或其他节肢动物肢端的螯或相似的状构造。
- A chela or similar pincerlike structure on the end of a limb of a crustacean or other arthropod .
- 把两根筷子放在大拇指和食指之间,接着固定一根而移动另一根,这样就可以使它们像钳子一样地活动了。
- Place both sticks between the thumb and the forefinger , then keep one still and move the other , so as to make them work like pincers .
- 通过螯和金属离子,提高了与金属层的附着力。
- Improve the adhesion with metal layer via pincers and metal ion .
- 同时,外圈钳形围攻的部队已经会师合围。
- In the meantime the outer pincers had met and closed .
- 一个七岁小姑娘够聪明的,是不是?
- Pretty smart for a nipper of seven , eh ?
- 他是个小赖皮.
- He 's a cheeky little nipper .
- 他从小就认识这个地方。
- He 's known the place since he was a nipper .
- 接吻时,不要把你的舌头弄的像个标枪(进进出出,进进出出),而是要尝试不同的动作和压力。
- When kissing , don 't use your tongue like a dart ( in and out , in and out ) . Instead , try varying motions and amounts of pressure .
- 次日它就宣称计划在伊利诺伊的贝尔维迪尔市一家工厂增聘1800名员工,重制道奇飞镖品牌。
- The next day it announced it would hire 1800 people at a plant in belvidere , illinois , to build its new dodge dart .
- 但是迷宫似的房厅使他迷路了,当他在一间间房子中瞎转时,伯克已经跟在了他的身后,他用收藏的一把标枪将他打倒,刺客即刻昏睡了过去。
- The assassin got lost in the halls , and as he wandered from room to room burke crept up behind him and stuck him with a blow dart from his collection , putting him instantly to sleep .