- 在大理旧城北苍山的云弄峰麓,是著名的蝴蝶泉。
- At the foot of yunnong peark , a foothill of the diancang mountain in dali county is the well-known butterfly spring .
- 它止住了无数人的欲望,将躯体与泥土分开,那只可爱的白蝴蝶也带着春天悄悄地飞走了。
- It stanches numerous people 's desires , separating the body from the earth , that lovely white butterfly , flies away secretlywith the spring .
- 尽管异国品种的数量可观,蝴蝶保育(组织)警示到:因在春季创纪录的旱情中苦苦挣扎的某些英国本土蛾类数量相对稀少。
- Despite high numbers of foreign species , butterfly conservation warned it had been a relatively poor year for some of the uk 's rare native moths which have struggled in the face of a record-breaking dry spring .