- 这意味着,curl可能在短时间有爆发传输速度,但随着时间的推移它不会超过给定的速率。
- It means that curl might use higher transfer speeds in short bursts , but over time it uses no more than the given rate .
- 相反curl将重用在控制连接时使用的相同的ip地址。
- Instead curl will re-use the same ip address it already uses for the control connection .
- 被动模式意味着curl将先尝试epsv命令,然后执行pasv命令,除非使用了--disable-epsv选项。
- Passive mode means that curl will try the epsv command first and then pasv , unless -- disable-epsv is used .
- 现在,研究团队成员正在进一步开发线圈。
- The team members are now carrying out further development work on the coil .
- 电磁造型机器利用一堆电容器,迅速释放电流经过线圈。
- Such machines use a bank of capacitors to discharge a current rapidly through a coil .
- 这样,周围的线圈中会有电流产生,据航空航天工程学教授理查德詹姆斯率领的研究小组的研究人员说。
- This produces a current in a surrounding coil , according to the researchers , led by aerospace engineering professor richard james .
- 而当地政府中,几位关键的项目支持者深陷腐败和舞弊的漩涡。
- Corruption allegations swirl around several key backers of the mining project in the karzai government .
- 这一星球构成的光晕是环绕我们熟悉的银河系漩涡的残骸物体。
- The stellar halo is debris that surrounds our familiar white swirl of stars .
- 巴莱昂做成鱼油泡沫,称它为欧米伽漩涡,味道有点像糖果
- Barlean 's makes a fish oil foam called omega swirl that tastes like candy .
- 扭曲行动一直都被视为失败的行动。
- Operation twist has long been considered a failure .
- 在没有舞伴的情况下扭转,看上去实在可怜。
- Doing the twist without a partner just looks sad .
- 但人们有理由担心,扭转行动将产生不了什么有益成果。
- But there are reasons to fear that little good will come from the twist .