- 在广东话中,街名能引发死亡意象,而在港岛历史最久的佛寺文武庙(manmotemple),本地人焚香祭奠亡灵时,香烛袅袅,香味弥漫着整条街。
- In cantonese , the name evokes images of death , while man mo temple , hong kong island 's oldest shrine , wafts incense up the road as locals remember the deceased .
- 当局现正修复和修葺若干历史建筑物,包括老围、长山古寺、松岭邓公祠及大埔文武庙。
- Restorations and repairs were undertaken at various historical sites including lo wai , cheung shan kwu tsz , tang ching lok ancestral hall and tai po man mo temple .
- 在广东话中,街名能引发死亡意象,而在港岛历史最久的佛寺文武庙(manmotemple),本地人焚香祭奠亡灵时,香烛袅袅,香味弥漫着整条街。
- In cantonese , the name evokes images of death , while man mo temple , hong kong island 's oldest shrine , wafts incense up the road as locals remember the deceased .