- 好的,当然你实际基因代码不会转变成野蛮人科南,但运动在决定哪些基因会被打开和关闭的动作里几乎很直接地设定了信号。
- Okay , so your actual genetic code won 't morph into that of conan the barbarian . But exercise sets signals in motion almost instantly that determine which genes get turned on and off .
- kkr早期大胆收购了许多大企业,且成功率很高,其名称因而变成了进取型“野蛮人”策略的代名词。
- In its early days kkr made repeated , audacious and often successful bids for so many big companies that its name became synonymous with aggressive " barbarian " tactics .
- “他们的这些做法”punzo说,“被传教士们称为是新世界里最未开化、最为野蛮的人的做法。”
- " For these practices , " punzo said , " they were called by jesuits the wildest and most barbarian people of the new world . "
- 阿比巴把那些攻击她和其他学生的士兵称为野蛮人。
- She calls the soldiers , who attacked her and her fellow students , barbarians .
- 美国也许已经抛弃了扮演新罗马帝国的想法,但对于野蛮人们而言,他们距离罗马的环城公路还很远呢。
- The us may have gone off the idea of acting as the new rome . But the barbarians are still a long way from the beltway .
- 比尔盖茨的野蛮领导:世界上最富有的公司如何施展他们的权利。
- Barbarians led by bill gates : how the world 's richest corporation wields its power .