- 它的口味和样子与新英格兰的蛤杂烩惊人地相似,也是放在面包“碗”中。
- It is uncannily similar in taste and look to new england clam chowder served in bread bowls .
- 亚洲蛤要繁殖的时候,自己的精子让自己的卵受精。
- When a clam wants to reproduce , it uses its own sperm to fertilise its own egg .
- 许多蛤类利用双壳及内部柔软强健足部的交替运动在河床上掘洞来逃避天敌。
- Many types of clam escape predators by burrowing into the sea bed using alternating movements of their shell and of the soft , muscular foot contained within that shell .