- 她产生了一种幻觉,似乎有无数的青蛙在她耳边呱呱鸣叫,听起来就像是很多新生儿在哭喊。
- She has a hallucinatory vision of thousands of frogs , whose croaks sound like the cries of new-born babies .
- 如果它没有被鸟儿鸣叫或骚扰我的青蛙的蛙鸣声,这是吉娃娃。
- If it hadn 't been the birds chirping or the sound of the frogs croaking that annoyed me , it was the chihuahua .
- 许多蛙类动物利用其喉内特殊的囊将声音放大。
- Many frogs amplify the sound of their voices using special sacs in their throats .