- 当那位好奇的同事走近要看个仔细时,鸡蛋突然炸开,在他那惊奇的脸上溅满了热腾腾的蛋黄。
- Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face .
- 威尔士亲王吃鸡蛋时,可不在乎蛋黄是不是纯液态状。
- The prince of wales would eat his egg irrespective of whether or not its yolk was sufficiently runny .
- 注:因为蛋黄富含维他命,所以尽管可以把蛋白扔掉。
- Note : choline is found mostly in the yolk , so feel free to ditch the egg-white omelets .
- 展示我的黄色的削刀.
- Show me a yellow sharpener .
- 想象梵高作品中鲜黄的向日葵。
- Imagine van gogh 's paintings of yellow sunflowers .
- 好,把黄戒指放在左边口袋里。
- Good . Put your yellow ring in your left .
- 体系在蛋黄派安全生产中的应用初探。
- Application of haccp in safety proceeding of vitellus pie .
- 一个死了的敌人闻起来总是很好的。
- A dead enemy always smells good alus vitellus .
- 仇人沦亡的滋味闻止来总是那么的佳。
- A dead enemy always smells good -- alus vitellus .