- 发射过程中接受的数据表明火箭发射器中电脑系统发出了命令,把整流罩分离成两半,就像河蚌张开一样的样子。
- Data received during the launching indicated that the spacecraft 's computer had sent commands to set off small explosive charges to split the nose cone in two , like opening a clamshell .
- 10年后,诺基亚再度失策,没有预料到超薄手机会在将来大行其道,不过其后来奋起直追,从而以市场占有率40%迅速恢复其市场主导地位。
- A decade later it failed to anticipate the demand for " clamshell " - type handsets , but bounced back quickly to restore its market share in handsets to 40 % and thus its industry dominance .
- 捡起一个蛤壳,在手里掂量一下它有多重。
- Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand .