- 不过在此期间浪费的时间成本和燃油费用或将达5000亿美元。
- And during that time the wasted time and fuel would add up to $ 500 billion .
- 那么,怎么样才让你尽可能减少被浪费的时间并完成更多的工作呢?
- So , how can you minimise wasted time , and get more work done ?
- 但是罗塞尔医生认为这项投资可以从降低再住院率和减少对处方药浪费的中得到补偿。
- But dr rosser argues that the investment is recouped in fewer readmissions and wasted prescriptions .
- 几乎所有的死者都是女性。
- Nearly all the dead are women .
- 部分死者有曾遭受虐待的痕迹。
- Many of the dead had been tortured .
- 主人大概已经死了。
- Its owner was likely dead .
- 剧烈或反复发作会引致呼吸窘迫、精神障碍与消耗病,以及在极端案例中导致脾破裂。
- Severe or repeated bouts can lead to respiratory distress , mental disability , wasting disease and , at the extreme , rupture of the spleen .
- 作为一种“消耗性资产”,根据其陈年期数、保存地点和拥有者状况,葡萄酒可能不适用资本利得税。
- As a " wasting asset " , wine may not be subject to capital gains tax , depending on how old it is , where it has been kept , and who owns it .
- 从在1998年至2004年期间由朝鲜展开的4项营养调查中,联合国儿童基金会和世界粮食计划署发现,消瘦一种营养不良的普遍症状,在偏远农村的发病比率是在平壤的三到四倍。
- Four nutrition surveys conducted between 1998 and 2004 by the government , unicef and the world food program found that wasting , a symptom of severe malnutrition , was three to four times more prevalent in remote provinces than in pyongyang .