- 另外还有一种造成红色的“雪藻”的水藻“雪藻”现象最早曾被亚里士多德描述过。
- There 's also an alga that creates reddish ' watermelon snow ' - a phenomenon first described by aristotle .
- 在搜索了不断扩充的数据库中海量的基因之后,他们在一种单细胞藻类衣藻chlamydomonasreinhardtii中发现了一段和rega类似的基因序列。
- By searching for genetic sequences similar to rega in the burgeoning databases of genes that now exist , they found one in a unicellular alga called chlamydomonas reinhardtii .
- 一种生物达成了这件事并非植物、动物或是真菌,而是这一领域的专家一种称为volvoxcarteri的藻类。
- One creature that has managed the trick-separately from plants , animals and fungi , who are the real experts in the field-is an alga called volvox carteri .
- 之前的研究表明人工的加入铁元素能够让藻类爆发性的繁殖。
- Previous studies have shown that adding iron artificially can also create algal blooms .
- 迄今为止,对大多数人而言,海平面升高、奄奄一息的珊瑚虫、蔓延的藻花水华只不过是次要的烦恼。
- So far , the rising sea levels , dying corals and spreading algal blooms are only minor distractions for most people .
- 红潮又称为藻华,是由于水藻突然迅速繁殖,而导致海水变色的自然现象。
- Red tides or algal blooms are natural discolorations of seawater caused by the rapid multiplication of algae .