- 在世的人中你最鄙视谁?
- Which living person do you most despise ?
- 他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。
- They fear and despise the masculine .
- 读者决不能嘲笑或者轻视这个国家的使节。
- The reader is not invited to mock or despise these envoys of the state .
- 两个手臂的轻微动作强化了她沙漏型身材的完美造型。
- The slight movement in both her arms emphasizes the perfect shape of her hourglass figure .
- 一个细微的斜角被用来清楚的分隔按钮。
- A slight bevel is used to cleanly separate the buttons .
- 她对脉冲的细微的改动补偿了她窃听所引起的干扰。
- Her slight tweaks have compensated for the disturbances she creates .
- 有时一个细小的动作就够了。
- Sometimes a tiny behavior can betray everything .
- 幸福就来源于这些微小的成功。
- Happiness is made of those tiny successes .
- 在此之前必须从画上刮下细小的样本送去化学分析。
- Previously , tiny samples of paint had to be extracted and submitted to chemical analysis .
- 一些老人小偷小摸,以增加他们微薄的购买力。
- Other elderly people resort to petty theft to increase their meager purchasing power .
- 许多企业在设法成立或拓展事业时,都被琐碎的规章束缚着。
- Many businesses are entangled in petty rules when they seek to set up or expand .
- 缺点是高昂的价格和时而琐碎的规定,以及围绕设施使用而产生的冲突。
- On the minus side are premium prices and occasionally petty rules and conflicts over use .
- 当布莱恩听力范围之外,妙就开始尖叫。
- As soon as blaine was out of hearing range , mya began shrieking .
- 让我们追随他们飞行的轨迹,开拓我们自己的道路。
- Mya we follow their flight paths and blaze our own .
- 我很少在普林斯顿,妙,有不相信的脸向朋友之一。
- One of my few friends at princeton , mya , asked with a disbelieving face .