- 这首颂歌的最初版本由约瑟夫莫尔神父于1816年创作于奥地利,它的首次演出是在1818年的平安夜。
- The original version of the carol " stille nacht " was written in 1816 in austria by the priest father joseph mohr . It was first performed on christmas eve in 1818 .
- 更正:原文中写到michaelclemens来自哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院;但实际上,他是华盛顿智库全球发展中心的资深研究员。
- Correction : the original version of this article identified michael clemens as coming from the kennedy school of government at harvard . He is actually a senior fellow at the centre for global development .
- 本文利用生态系统中的psr模型作为蓝本,模拟建立了我国制药产业的压力、状态、响应(psr)模型,并论证了生态系统与产业系统的相似性和可类比性。
- This article takes the psr model in ecological system as a original version , then stimulatingly constructs the psr model of pharmaceuticals industry , and argument the comparability and analogy between ecological system and industrial system .