- 在加拿大,为什么人们有时候会把植物覆盖起来?
- Why do people sometimes cover plants in canada ?
- 这本书的封面上应当有你的名字!
- This book should have your name on the cover !
- 它们的阴影一定覆盖了加拿大。
- Their shadows must cover canada .
- 开发区蔓延反思及控制。
- Reflections and control on overspread of development zone .
- 当最后的罪恶被蒙盖正如一棵婆罗双树被藤蔓所覆盖时,你的敌人期许的是你成为你自己.
- When overspread by extreme vice -- like a sal tree by a vine -- you do to yourself what an enemy would wish .
- 行人又叫“带上面罩我也认得你”
- The pedestrian cries again " I am overspread above the belt also know you "
- 大部分人经常遭遇到这种竞争状况。
- Most people regularly encounter this competition .
- 每一次退货代表了服务遭遇失败。
- Every return represents a failed service encounter .
- 修订条约势必会遇到太多的障碍。
- A treaty change would encounter too many hurdles .
- 对历史的无知造成了这一切,而且还会更多。
- Historical illiteracy has done all this , and more .
- 选择瑞士法郎显然是愚蠢的,这证明了该国在经济方面的无知。
- The choice of swiss francs is plainly ludicrous testimony to economic illiteracy .
- 我们可能不能解决像全球平困,无知,人口走私这样的这样的难题。
- We may not be able to solve the problems of global poverty , or of illiteracy , or of human trafficking .
- 让我们大家一起祈祷,领导者们不要浪费宝贵的善意和政治资本在像汇率这一类无知的议题上了。
- Let us hope the leaders will not waste the precious good will and political capital on senseless issues like the exchange rate .
- 因为尽管我们可能没有能力阻止每一个在这个国家发生的无谓的暴力行为,但是即使只有一件事让我们来做从而减少暴力行为即使哪怕只能挽救一个生命我们都有义务去尝试。
- Because while we may not be able to prevent every senseless act of violence in this country , if there is even one thing we can do to reduce it if even one life can be saved we 've got an obligation to try .
- 与其考虑采取那么多的措施去延长我们的寿命和提高生活的质量,就不能逻辑上遵循我们应该放慢每天生活的速度,抛弃这种无意义的“迅速完成任务”的心态?
- And considering that take so many measures to prolong the length of our lives and increase the quality of them , wouldn 't it logically follow that we ought to slow down each and every day , and escape this senseless " race " mentality ?
- 弗雷蒙特和寇茨,他们在哪?
- Fremont and coates , where they at ?
- 那天弗雷蒙特和寇茨是怎么到店里的?
- How did fremont and coates make itto the market that day ?
- 在fremont,如同许多其他那样的城镇一样,美籍西班牙人口猛增。
- In fremont , as in many other such towns , the hispanic population has surged .
- 旺角东站公共运输交汇处。
- Mong kok east station public transport interchange .
- 香港地铁旺角站跨月台转乘。
- Loading cross platform interchange in hong kong mtr mong kok station .
- 警方正追捕一名纵火狂徒,他在旺角花园街纵火,烧毁五十个小贩摊档,7人受伤。
- Police are hunting an arsonist who burned down 50 hawker stalls and injured seven people on fa yuen street in mong kok .