- 爱尔康的独立董事委员会批准了这笔交易。
- Alcon 's independent director committee recommended approval .
- 哪位导演让您印象最为深刻?
- And which director left the most abiding impression ?
- 另一名董事最近刚刚辞职。
- A fourth director recently resigned .
- 除了联邦机构,由破产受托人詹姆斯吉登斯(jamesgiddens)领导的一个小组也在调查mfglobal。
- Alongside federal authorities , a team led by bankruptcy trustee james giddens is probing mf global .
- 通过分期分配财产,父母和/或财产托管人能够发现子女对待财富的负责程度。
- By such distribution at intervals , the parents and / or the trustee can see how responsibly the child handles wealth .
- 作为mel发行债券的托管人,花旗银行信托公司六月份称他认为回购是非法的。
- Citicorp trustee company , which acts as trustee for bonds issued by mel , wrote in june that it regarded the buyback as illegal .
- 为信息工作引入督查反馈机制。
- For information the job introduces superintend and director to check feedback mechanism .
- 我当督查室主任的几点体会。
- I check a few experience of room director when superintend and director .
- 我们在督查方法上的有益探索。
- We check the beneficial exploration on the method in superintend and director .
- 其中包括印度央行对印度银行海外机构的自主性监管。
- This includes its willingness to supervise the foreign subsidiaries of indian banks .
- 埃及独裁者的退位留下军队来监管不确定的政权过渡。
- The egyptian autocrat 's resignation left the army to supervise an uncertain transition .
- 并且就谁来监管一类金融控股公司这一议题还没有达成共识。
- There is no consensus on who should supervise the largest financial firms .
- 系特首董建华今日发表上任第五份施政报告后,你对香港前途既信心增加定减少左?
- Has your confidence in the future of hong kong increased or decreased after chief executive tung chee-hwa issued his fifth policy address ?
- 不管怎样,董先生现在有一个他想要的立法会了。
- Either way , mr tung now has the legco he wants .
- 阜阳市颍东硫酸贸易中心。
- Fuyang city ying tung sulfate trade center .
- 除了联邦机构,由破产受托人詹姆斯吉登斯(jamesgiddens)领导的一个小组也在调查mfglobal。
- Alongside federal authorities , a team led by bankruptcy trustee james giddens is probing mf global .
- 通过分期分配财产,父母和/或财产托管人能够发现子女对待财富的负责程度。
- By such distribution at intervals , the parents and / or the trustee can see how responsibly the child handles wealth .
- 作为mel发行债券的托管人,花旗银行信托公司六月份称他认为回购是非法的。
- Citicorp trustee company , which acts as trustee for bonds issued by mel , wrote in june that it regarded the buyback as illegal .