- 类似北亚洲萨满教,流行于美洲土著的任何一种灵物论宗教。
- Any animistic religion similar to asian shamanism especially as practiced by certain native american tribes .
- 其他人认为洞穴艺术和萨满教有关,表明它放映了对洞穴的超自然力量的经久不衰的信仰。
- Others link cave art with shamanism , suggesting that it reflects enduring beliefs about the supernatural quality of caves .
- 摘要概括介绍了俄罗斯联邦境内的北方少数民族奥罗奇人的族称、族源、社会经济状况,及其演变和奥罗奇人的三界观、灵魂观、鬼神观、图腾崇拜、熊祭和萨满教信仰等。
- This article briefly introduced the clan name , clan source , social economic condition of the North minority nationality Orochi in Russian Federal area , and its evelution , Orochi three world outlook , spirit outlook , ghosts and gods outlook , totem worhsip , bear sacrifice , Shamanism faith and so on .
- 在利马的西班牙大使馆前,秘鲁萨满教徒们围着一张克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多的海报举行宗教仪式。
- Peruvian shamans perform a ritual with a poster of cristiano ronaldo in front of the spanish embassy in lima .
- 即便我们很难定义麦昆,但很明显的是,这些巫师颇受欢迎。
- Even if mcqueen is hard to define , what is crystal clear is that shamans sell .
- 从这个角度看,巫师更像是精神分析家,类似于弗洛伊德和荣格。
- In this sense , shamans are psychoanalysts , much like sigmund freud and carl jung .