- 古德曼说,“他的决定与对这儿不满意毫无关系,而是因为他强烈希望能在那儿做生意。”
- ' His decision had nothing to do with dissatisfaction here , but with his strong desire to do business there , ' mr. goodman said .
- 如何操作黄金交易包括如何开户?如何进行交易?如何赎回?
- How to operate gold to trade how to include to open an account ? How to do business ? How redemptive ?
- 所有的腐败州长和26个地方官员都试图从建筑商,开发商,商业主和那些寻求在这个城市和州做生意的人中得到私礼。
- All the corrupt governors and 26 of the aldermen had tried to extract bribes from builders , developers , business owners and those seeking to do business with the city or the state .