- 审判人员在审理该案件的时候,有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。
- The judges in trying the case committed acts of embezzlement , bribery , or malpractices for personal gain , or bended the law in making judgment .
- 依照刑法第四百一十一条的规定,负有特定监管义务的海关工作人员徇私舞弊,利用职权,放任、纵容走私犯罪行为,情节严重的,构成放纵走私罪。
- In accordance with article 411 of the criminal law , if a customs functionary obliged for certain surveillance engages in malpractices for personal gain , and makes use of his power to connive at the criminal acts of smuggling , with the case being serious , it shall constitute the crime of conniving at smuggling .
- 在城市化的进程中,由于城市规划及建设的各种弊端,河道生态系统受到了巨大的破坏,对河道景观产生了极大的负面影响。
- The ecological system of the rivers has been greatly destroyed because of various malpractices of the city planning and construction in the course of urbanization , and the riverfront landscape has also be impacted negatively .