- 任何国家,无论贫富,其税款与特权许可费都与商品价格密切相连,因为政府会在好年头里吃掉最丰厚的利润,而在相对黯淡的年景里刺激投资。
- In rich and poor countries alike , taxes and royalties tend to gyrate with commodity prices , as governments seek to cream off a greater share of profits in good years and stimulate investment in lean ones .
- 本文第二章综述了现代企业制度基本理论,认为企业是各类产权主体为追求交易费用最小,经济效用最大,通过竞争检验、自由选择缔结的一组市场合约。
- Summary of the modern enterprise system is the main content in the second section of this paper . It describes that the enterprise is a kind of market contract which various ownerships seek large profits and pay little costs with competing and covenanting .
- 商业航空业做的很好。
- Commercial aviation was doing well .
- 第一个是商业房产。
- The first is commercial property .
- 这就使得它们远离了大的商用飞机的航道。
- That kept them out of the way of large commercial aircraft .