- 如果枝条底部有花蕾,只剪掉向外生长的花蕾上方的枝条。
- If it does have buds towards the base of the branch , make a cut just above an outward facing bud .
- 当花蕾含苞待放比盛开更难受时,那就是其绽放之时。
- And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom .
- 2011年6月23日丹佛,医用大麻关爱者布雷特坎多拉(bretkantola)正在检查医用大麻新枝条上的花蕾,这些大麻生长在他的种植场里。
- Medical marijuana caregiver bret kantola examines the bud on a new strain of medicinal marijuana that he is growing in his grow facility in denver , on june 23 , 2011 .
- 用类似人形的炮弹射击红色的求。
- Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball .
- 面向你的拍摄对象拍摄肩部。
- Shoot facing your subjects lit shoulder .
- 此外对无人机进行射击要冒暴露位置的风险。
- And soldiers who shoot at aircraft risk revealing their position .