- 香煎马鲛鱼配米饭及本地野菜。
- Pan-fried mackerel fish fillet with rice and local wild vegetable .
- 每户赠予100平花圃,再送80平菜地,社区里面有杏园,桃园,梨园等供业主免费采摘。
- Every give 100 smooth rice gardens , send 80 smooth rice vegetable plot again , there is apricot garden inside the village , peach garden , the operatic circle pluck freely for owner .
- 今天的菜单是味噌汤、炸透的豆腐、海带、烤鸡肉、六种蔬菜的炒菜,以及一碗米饭、一盒牛奶和新鲜的奇异果。
- The menu is miso soup with deep-fried tofu and seaweed , grilled chicken with a six-vegetable stir-fry accompanied by a bowl of rice , a carton of milk and fresh kiwi fruit .