- 三证,柴桑小学,五中,出门就是柴桑菜场。
- Card , bavin mulberry elementary school , 5 in , going out is bavin mulberry food market .
- 上个月,cade又威胁要解散在2009年通过并购组建的巴西加工食品业巨头brasilfoods。
- Last month cade threatened to undo the 2009 merger that formed brasil foods , the leading firm in brazil 's processed-food market .
- 逛完种类庞杂且存货丰富的食品市场,再坐在桑树的树荫底下简单地吃点温热的扁面包、杏干和腰果之后,就到了搜寻地毯的时候了。
- After a visit to the sprawling and richly stocked food market , and a simple picnic of warm fatir flatbread , dried apricots and cashew nuts under the shade of a mulberry tree , it is time to seek out some carpets .
- 菜贩张贴海报,有的是出于习惯,有的是因为所有都这样做,还有的是害怕如果不从善如流而招致的后果。
- The greengrocer puts up the poster partly out of habit , partly because everyone else does it , and partly out of fear of the consequences if he does not .
- 带着与那位捷克蔬菜水果商相同的顺从,雇员们把这类训词放在写字台和墙上。
- Employees place these exhortations on desks and walls with the same resignation as the czech greengrocer .
- 他摆出那块牌子是在表明:“我不想惹麻烦。”
- By placing the sign , the greengrocer said : " I do not want trouble . "