- 这一形势至少是令人不安的,极而言之,则是一场严重的全然无端的挑衅。
- This situation is at the least unsettling , and at the most a grave and wholly unwarranted provocation .
- 我认为这完全是在毫无道理地浪费公共钱财。
- I think it was a totally unwarranted waste of public money .
- 匈牙利官员们说,市场的悲观情绪是没有依据的。
- Hungarian officials said the market 's pessimism is unwarranted .
- 对他的控告是没有根据的。
- The accusation against him was groundless .
- 她坚持该指控是毫无根据的。
- She that the accusation is groundless .
- 其它的指责多半毫无根据。
- Other charges are mostly groundless .
- 清澈透明的海水,美丽的白色沙滩,摇曳生姿的棕榈树,难以置信的的潜水胜地这就是马尔代夫被誉为世界上最佳热带地区度假地之一的原因。
- Crystal clear waters , beautiful white sand beaches , swaying palm trees and fabulous dive sites that 's why the maldives , is known for being one of the best tropical holiday destinations in the world .
- 它快速而狡猾的飞行,你只有努力工作才能抓住它,如果你抓住了它,一份神话般的财富将在你的面前展现。
- It flies quick and sly , and you 'll have to work hard to catch it , but if you do , a fabulous fortune will open up for you .
- 谁曾想到小小画家的胶带也可以用来创作这种神话般的现代几何diy艺术墙!
- Who would have thought that skinny painter 's tape could be used to make such fabulous contemporary geometric diy wall art !
- 这些所谓的普通道德标准通常包含许多有组织的社会圈人士无根据的声明,从而为当时他们认可的议程辩护。
- These so called universal moral standards usually incorporate numerous baseless declarations often used by organized social circles as justification for whatever agenda they are endorsing at the time .
- 从这个角度讲,人们可以看到,以前的争论是毫无根据的。
- From this viewpoint , one can see that the previous contention is baseless .
- 否定这一事实是毫无根据的、无知的、可恶的。
- Denying that fact is baseless , ignorant , and hateful .