- 日本法务大臣鸠山邦夫诡辩道,买选票案不能被形容为虚假起诉:这会暗示在这个天下太平、人人安乐、没有刑事被告的时候,其实有真正的刑事被告仍逍遥法外。
- Japan 's justice minister , kunio hatoyama , argues with casuistic skill that the vote-buying case cannot be described as a false prosecution : that would imply the real culprits are still at large when , happily for all , there are no culprits at all .
- 她和她父亲无疑会被指控犯了这种罪,而这个女人她那一意孤行的脾气简直难以描述是会等待时机把这一条罪名加上去,使自己立于不败之地的。
- She and her father would unquestionably be guilty of this crime , and this woman the inveteracy of whose pursuit cannot be described would wait to add that strength to her case , and make herself doubly sure .