- 鲜莳实百合烩芋粒。
- Braise fresh lily with diced taro .
- 巴布亚新几内亚群岛附近的一座名为新英格兰的岛生活着卡隆民族,他们的主食就是热带根茎蔬菜芋头。
- Taro , a tropical-root vegetable , is the staple food of the kaulong people of new britain , an island off papua new guinea .
- "真的不好意思呢,亲爱的爸爸;但真的没有芋糕呢,我们有的只是一些不好的地瓜,做不成糕点呢",就这样,他很失望的回家去了。
- " Dear dad , I 'm so sorry . How can I make any taro cake when the only things in the house are a few lousy sweet potatoes " he walked down disappointed .