- 我们利用memcached来减轻数据库的负担。
- We use memcached to alleviate database load .
- 同时,管理负担也令人难以忍受。
- Meanwhile the administrative load is oppressive .
- 另一个恼人的问题是高额的债务负担。
- Another burdensome issue : a high debt load .
- 如果你认识某个特别大胆的人,想象一下他们的行为。
- If you already kn ow someone who 's bold , imagine how they 'd act .
- 名牌相框展示架品质卓越-名扬天下!
- Brand frame displaying rack - quality excellence - kn !
- 我……我知道他是怎么看莱克斯的。
- I kn ...... I know how he feels about lex .
- 接下来一个合乎常理的步骤则是运输公司利用互联网的威力分享他们的运输负荷。
- The next logical step is for the companies to harness the power of the internet to share their loads .
- 两国都可以振振有词地说自己的债务负担是能够承受得了的。
- Both countries can plausibly argue that their debt loads are sustainable .
- 这种耐寒的树木需要有宽广的根系来承受大雪所带给它们的负荷和在抵挡西北苏必利尔湖地区特然刮来的强风。
- These hardy trees need an extensive root system to handle the heavy snow loads and occasional strong winds that rake the northwestern lake superior area .