- 当地人非常喜欢吉米的蘑菇炖品、新鲜仙人球沙拉,以及炖肉,所以吉米开办了好莱坞餐厅(hollywoodrestaurant),这家餐厅以凉爽的白墙组成,犹如一个高高的钢筋混凝土盒子。
- The locals loved shaw 's championes con epazote ( mushroom stew ) , nopalitos ( fresh cactus salad ) and simmering meat dishes so much that he 's opened the hollywood restaurant , a tall concrete box with cool white walls .
- 为迎合讨厌红肉的人和新发现的对欧米伽3脂肪酸的需要,鱼菜上了每一份菜单,甚至是在牛排餐馆里。
- To cater for the aversion to red meat , and a new-found need for omega-3 fatty acids , fish dishes are on every menu , even in steak houses .
- 当地人非常喜欢吉米的蘑菇炖品、新鲜仙人球沙拉,以及炖肉,所以吉米开办了好莱坞餐厅(hollywoodrestaurant),这家餐厅以凉爽的白墙组成,犹如一个高高的钢筋混凝土盒子。
- The locals loved shaw 's championes con epazote ( mushroom stew ) , nopalitos ( fresh cactus salad ) and simmering meat dishes so much that he 's opened the hollywood restaurant , a tall concrete box with cool white walls .
- 那就意味着在某些彼此的活动中存在着一些不言而喻的非干扰。
- It meant a tacit non interference in certain of each other 's activities .
- 关税壁垒与非关税壁垒对世界贸易的模式有着非常重要的影响。
- Tariffs and non tariff barriers have a very considerable influence on the pattern of world trade .
- 这个国家的福利完全依赖于外国的支援以及其他的非利益性组织的帮助。
- The well-being of the population is entirely dependent on foreign aid and numerous non profit organizations .