- 科学家们定义了一种“无眠分子”------一小撮认为睡懒觉是浪费时间的人。
- Scientists have identified a ' sleepless elite ' a small group of people for whom a lie-in is a waste of time .
- 例如栖居在苔藓里的缓步动物(熊虫一种很小的动物)能够耐得住非常干燥、数百度的温度化、真空、强放射线,就算暴露在宇宙空间中也能够活下来。
- For instance , the minute tardigrade , also known as the water bear and which lives in mosses and other places , is said to be capable of surviving in the severest environments -- extreme aridity , temperature fluctuations of several hundred degrees , vacuums , strong radiation , and even outer space .
- 没有统计表明干旱和被征服国家以外的专制之间存在重大关系。
- There is no statistically significant relationship between aridity and autocracy outside the conquered world .
- 千百年来的气候变化,导致青藏高原趋于干旱。
- Over millennia changes in climate have resulted in greater aridity of the tibetan plateau .