- 这个问题可能看来有些荒唐。
- The question might seem absurd .
- 而荒唐的假设却被添加进来。
- And absurd assumptions were added .
- 这也许是个荒唐的问题。
- It might seem an absurd question .
- googlemoto将会制造出不可思议的手机吗?
- Will googlemoto make fantastic phones ?
- 这是一个极好的改善你生活的方式,因为你不会再对身边的世界感到愤怒。
- This is a fantastic way to live your life as you are no longer getting angry with the world around you .
- 我是指美国不可思议的事情之一就是事实上这种想法是有可能实现的。
- I mean one of the fantastic things about america is that that is in fact possible .
- 了解了这样荒谬的情况,我们再回到最初的问题这怎么可能发生呢?
- Given such a preposterous scenario , we return to our question - how could this possibly happen ?
- 不过,在我们早期的脸孔实验结果,与这种荒唐的婚礼调包计之间,依然存在着广阔的空间。
- Yet there is ample territory between the preposterous idea of spouse-swapping , and the results of our early face experiments .
- 把艾哈迈迪内贾德和一个民主选举的西方领导人相比较难道不是很荒谬吗?
- Isn 't it preposterous even to compare ahmadinejad with a democratically elected western leader ?