- 他修整完了整片草地。
- Then he finished cutting the grass .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .
- 微光在草地上轻柔地向前跳跃。
- Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass .
- 但是稻草建筑可能在地震频发的非富地区可能很有作用。
- But straw buildings might do well in seismically active places that are less wealthy .
- 人们被建议使用吸管喝橙汁,这样其中的酸性物质就不会与牙齿接触了。
- It is recommended to use a straw so that the juice does not come into contact with the teeth .
- 这种设备有点像酒精测试器,有个可移动的塑料吸管,附加在一个动力盒子上。
- The device resembles a breathalyser , with a moveable plastic straw attached to a motorised box .
- 我极力推荐stanrichardson的音乐。
- Stan richardson is highly recommended .
- 这是推荐量的两倍。
- That 's twice the recommended amount .
- 我推荐aweber邮寄名单解决方案。
- My recommended mailing list solution is aweber .