- 燃烧的泥炭和植被产生的烟雾中充满微小的尘埃粒子。
- Burning peat and vegetation produces smoke rich in tiny airborne particles .
- 城市周围大面积分布的泥炭沼泽已经干涸着火,将莫斯科笼罩在令人窒息的烟雾中。
- Vast stretches of peat bog surrounding the city have dried out and caught fire covering moscow with choking smog .
- 大火席卷了很多泥炭和森林地区,由大火产生的滚滚浓烟也蔓延到了数千公里之外。
- Burning in dry peat bogs and forests , the fires produced a dense plume of smoke that reached across hundreds of kilometers .