- 他位于亚洲的中部,它也有很多种的气候区域:西伯利亚大草原的森林苔原。
- It is situated in the center of asia and it has some climatic zones : from forest-tundra to steppe .
- 跟他的残暴骑兵一样,成吉思汗-这个麾下的骑兵横扫整个大草原、征服了中亚大部的人出身游牧民。
- Like the rest of his fierce horsemen , genghis khan whose cavalry pounded across the steppe to conquer much of central asia was born a nomad .
- 从北方大草原上的鬼城到南海岸的奢侈景点,糟蹋浪费的例子随处可见。
- Examples of waste abound , from a ghost city on china 's northern steppe to decadent resorts on its southern shores .
- 雄性和雌性草原田鼠组成长久的配偶,相互依偎相互清洁,并分担建巢和养育后代的责任。
- Male and female prairie voles form lifelong pair bonds huddle and groom each other and share nesting and pup-raising responsibilities .
- 生活再也不像是在大草原上的小房子里一样了。
- Life isn 't like the little house on the prairie anymore .
- 几乎完全不同的物种使得这里保持着与北美大草原截然不同的生物群系。
- An almost entirely different set of species kept it a distinct biome from the prairie .
- 正如生态系统中,各地的深林、草地、珊瑚礁不尽相同,微生物亦是如此。
- Just as ecosystems such as forests , grasslands and coral reefs differ from place to place , so it is with microbiomes .
- 因此,德梅诺卡尔带领一个研究小组,想了解古代海洋温度的变化是否引起了东非干旱草地面积的扩大。
- So demenocal led a team to see if changes in ancient ocean temperatures triggered expansion of arid grasslands in east africa .
- 它生活在阿根廷中部的干旱的草地和灌木丛生的平原。
- It is found in central argentina where it inhabits dry grasslands and sandy plains with thorn bushes and cacti .