- 近来,人们纷纷涌向莲香楼或中环附近的陆羽茶室(lukyuteahouse),以体验往昔的岁月。
- These days people flock to lin heung for a glimpse of the past , or the smarter luk yu teahouse nearby in central .
- 如果没有女茶楼业主的精湛技能,艺妓世界将不复存在。
- Without the impeccable business skills of the female teahouse owners , the world of geisha would cease to exist .
- 光顾茶楼成了香港人生活中的一个核心内容,以至于人们在见面寒暄时互问“你喝茶了吗?”
- Visiting a teahouse became so central to hong kong life that people began to greet one another by asking " have you had tea yet ? "