- 深棕色的线条将高大的矩形画布分成小小的、浅棕色的盒子。
- Dark brown lines divide the tall rectangle of the canvas into smaller , lighter brown boxes .
- 彩色蜂蜜不能出售,因为它不符合法国的蜂蜜生产标准:它没有从植物中提取花蜜,而且偏离标准颜色太远(标准是几乎无色或者褐色)。
- The colored honey could not be sold because it did not meet france 's standards of honey production : it was not obtained from the nectar of plants and it deviates from the standard coloring of honey ( nearly colorless to dark brown ) .
- 暗褐色的花,宽漏斗状钟状的萼筒,5×4毫米的约;叶片纸质,椭圆的到椭圆形披针形,背面的淡灰棕色。
- Flowers dark brown , calyx tube broadly funnelform-campanulate , ca. 5 * 4 mm ; leaf blade papery , elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate , abaxially grayish brown .
- 她的头发,有着过时的黄褐色,被高高的拢在脑后,用许多发夹固定住。
- Her hair , an anachronistic tawny blonde , is piled high on her head , stabilised by numerous hairpins .
- 非洲和印度大型群居的食肉猫科动物,棕色皮毛,雄性有粗硬的鬃毛。
- Large gregarious predatory feline of africa and india having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male .
- 来自单一年份的茶色波特酒,有坚果味道,非常美味浓郁。
- Deliciously intense , nutty tawny from a single year .
- 一张世界热度图用不同的色彩标记出了气温的变化情况,它显现北极地区处于温度上升最快的栗色地带。
- Fast forward a heat map of the world , colour-coded for temperature change , shows the arctic in sizzling maroon .
- 我开了灯,阅览室展现在眼前;厚实的桌椅,栗色的地毯,巨大的查阅台恐怖地摆放着。
- I flip on the lights and the reading room springs into being ; heavy wooden tables and chairs , maroon carpet , forbidding enormous reference desk .
- 弗雷泽很享受成名的时光:毛皮大衣,钻戒,栗色凯迪拉克豪华轿车,开着她风光地回到博福特,为他的妈妈买了一个占地368亩的庄园。
- He enjoyed his celebrity time : the fur coats and the diamond rings , the maroon cadillac limousine in which her billy boy swept back into beaufort to buy a 368-acre plantation for his mamma .
- 安多尔随即停止销售这款茶叶。
- Mr. andol stopped selling the tea .
- 给我准备些茶好吗?
- Could you prepare some tea ?
- 茶叶需要经过高度加工才能获得成品。
- Tea is a highly processed product .