- 现在的中产阶级也远没有当时那么凝聚团结、理想主义,那么急切进取,茂表示“他们宁可更换国籍也不想改变祖国。”
- As for the middle class , it is much less cohesive and idealistic . It is also less desperate . " They would rather exchange their country than change it , " says mr mau .
- 他们采取了一系列旨在破坏新宪法的行动,试图鼓动非洲领导人支持肯尼亚退出国际刑事法庭规约,同时尽一切努力撇清数起恶性暴力事件的责任这些暴力事件的恶劣程度堪称“茅茅起义”以来之最。
- In a series of efforts aimed at undermining the new constitution they have been trying to mobilise african leaders to support kenya 's exit from the icc process , as well as making every effort to stymie accountability for some of kenya 's worst violence since the mau mau rebellion .
- 小组中其余的人员包括景观架构师、水和房地产顾问以及图样设计师,包括设计师brucemau(他的公司位于多伦多,但是他本人在北芝加哥生活)在内的四人来自芝加哥。
- Of the remaining group of landscape architects , water and real estate consultants and graphic designers , four are from chicago , including designer bruce mau , whose firm is based in toronto but lives just north of the city .
- m为什么就一定在p前面?
- Why does m come before p ?
- 一个此类游戏为m维度,三个男孩子在周二玩了这个游戏。
- One such game is dimension m , played by three boys on tuesday .
- 与泰特现代博物馆十分相似,m+正在寻找那些需要长期收藏的收藏品。
- Much like tate modern , m + is looking for collections that need a long-term home .