- 高盛开辟了灰色地带这条路。
- Goldman led the way in exploiting grey areas .
- 黑白相间的脸装,再搭上灰恤衫和裤子就搞定了。
- Black and white face paints , with grey shirt and pants .
- 使用径向渐变工具加上从白到灰的渐变,如下图所示。
- Use the radial gradient tool set to white and grey as shown below .
- 反正,当牧师回头看去时,只见到一副感谢天恩的狂喜神情,似乎天国的光辉正映照在她那满是皱纹的灰白色面孔之上。
- Assuredly , as the minister looked back , he beheld an expression of divine gratitude and ecstasy that seemed like the shine of the celestial city on her face , so wrinkled and ashy pale .
- 很明显,他不梳他的灰黑色的头发,但如果你什么,那增强眼睛随着他的高超他的美。
- It was apparent that he didn 't comb his ashy black hair , but if anything , that enhanced his beauty along with his superb eyes .
- 撒尔维亚是虔诚的我和苍白的你。
- Salvia is ashy he and devout me .
- 为什么地狱的颜色是蓝的?
- Why the hell is the sky blue ?
- 他那双愤世嫉俗的蓝眼睛紧盯着我。
- His cynical blue eyes bore into me .
- 过去吉姆就总是喜欢她穿蓝的。
- Jim had always liked her in blue .