- 科学家对采集的cyp1a1细胞色素进行了抽样分析,结果显示一种酶产生代谢变化,转化成特定的芳香烃。
- The scientists analyzed the tissue samples for expression of cyp1a1 , an enzyme that metabolizes certain aromatic hydrocarbons .
- 丁香是印度常见的烹饪用芳香调味品,含有一种叫做丁香酚的抗炎化学物质。
- Cloves , an aromatic spice common in indian cooking , contain an anti-inflammatory chemical called eugenol .
- 许多年轻人被水烟甘甜、芬芳、如水果般清新的外表所迷惑,就想当然觉得比起辛辣、难闻的香烟,水烟要无害得多。
- Many young adults are misled by the sweet , aromatic and fruity quality of hookah smoke , which causes them to believe it is less harmful than hot , acrid cigarette smoke .
- 当然,我们坐在户外,一个弥漫着攀缘植物和清脆喷泉芬芳的花园里。
- Of course , we were sitting outside , in a garden fragrant with climbing plants and a tinkling fountain .
- 你是不是觉得你自己像一个忙碌的蜜蜂,没有时间来欣赏你采蜜的芳香的花朵?
- A day when you feel like the proverbial busy bee , with no time to admire the fragrant flowers you 're landing on ?
- 一个含有芬芳的玫瑰花瓣的罐子一个白色的插着几支百合的花瓶等这些都是一个能使你的餐厅或咖啡桌更具吸引力的创意之举。
- A jar containing fragrant rose petals , a tall white enamelled jug with fresh cut lilies these are ways of creating an attractive centrepiece for a dining or coffee table .