- 显微镜下的世界是一个装着各种美景的聚宝盆;大多数参加尼康小世界大赛或奥林巴斯显微数码摄影大赛的选手的作品都值得列入年终图像列表。
- The microscopic world is a cornucopia of beautiful images ; most any finalist in nikon 's small world contest or the olympus bioscapes digital imaging competition deserves inclusion on this year-end image list .
- 景甜:世上最清丽脱俗的美女。
- Scenery is sweet : clean up the beautiful transcendent beautiful woman in the world most .
- 根据yoruba的传统,一个灵性的孩子是跟他的同伴们有契约的,在他们另外的更美丽的世界里尽早地重聚。
- According to yoruba tradition , a spirit child is one who has made a pact with his fellows in their other , more beautiful world , to rejoin them as soon as possible .