- 7/16奥巴马注视着俄罗斯仪仗队士兵敬献花圈。
- 7 / 16 Russian honour guards lay a wreath as obama watches
- 一开始,他就问能否在世贸中心倒塌现场献上花圈,以表敬意。
- He started by asking whether he could lay a wreath at ground zero as a show of respect .
- 根据儿童书上一页而创作的巨型花环图案,真可爱!
- A gigantic wreath of a page from a children 's book . Lovely !
- 因为如果我再听到你说有关你前妻和跟她约会的足球队员,我会气得冒烟。
- Becuase if I have to hear one more time about your ex-wife and football team she 's dating , I 'll torse my toast .