- 人们一直认为韩亚金融和kb金融集团(kbfinancialgroupinc.)是最有可能竞购友利金融的企业。
- Hana and kb financial group inc. have been considered the most probable suitors for woori .
- 知情人士补充说,lonestar和韩亚金融已签署详解备忘录,预计未来几周内将签订买卖协议。
- Lone star and hana have signed a memorandum of understanding , and a sales and purchase agreement is expected to follow within several weeks , the person added .
- 上述知情人士说,尽管目前还不知道交易的具体条款,但韩亚金融可能将在当前市价上再支付10%或以上的溢价。
- While the exact terms of the deal weren 't yet known , hana would likely pay a premium of 10 % or more to the current market value , the person said .