- 将一点点芥末粉加到洗脚盆里有助于杀死灭运动员脚部的真菌。
- A bit of mustard powder added to a footbath helps kill athlete 's foot fungus .
- 第戒芥末是中度火候的,很干净,有强烈的味道,是白色的。
- Dijon mustard is medium hot , with a clean , sharp taste and a pale color .
- 总统要了有生菜、西红柿、墨西哥胡椒和芥菜的汉堡包,以及几个干酪汉堡包。
- The president ordered a cheeseburger with lettuce , tomato , jalapeno peppers , and mustard as well as several other cheeseburgers to go .