- 山洞幽暗深邃、神秘莫测,隐藏在莽莽原始森林中。
- Cave dark and deep , mysterious and inscrutable , hidden in the luxuriant forests .
- 回家摆当院里让露水一露,次日清早起来便可以拣粗壮硬实,枝繁叶茂的往门楣两边插了。
- Home pendulum when home let dew is exposed , they rose can pick sturdy hard , with luxuriant foliage to the lintel side plug .
- 教学区内绿树成荫,花草茂盛,环境优美。
- In the teaching area the greenery create shades , the flowers and plants are luxuriant , excellent surroundings .
- 这个女孩看起来已经送给你一个美丽的装着蓬松的弓的大包裹。
- This girl has literally given you a big beautiful package with a fluffy bow .
- 当然了,为某种毛绒绒的东西筹集资金会更容易。
- Of course , it 's easier to raise money for something fluffy .
- 如此大的一颗行星,有岩石地核以及蓬松的气体层包覆,可能不会维持我们所知的生命。
- Such a big planet with a rocky core and a fluffy gaseous envelope probably can 't support life as we know it .
- 抱着猪的人是麦克克瑙尔。
- Holding the pig is michael knauer .
- 猪的性高潮可以持续30分钟。
- A pig 's orgasm lasts 30 minutes .
- 在爱荷华州猪第一次分离到猪流感病毒。
- Swine flu is first isolated from a pig in iowa .